Wednesday , February 19 2025

KFC Job Application – Senior CMS Developer

Website KFC

Job Description:

As a key part of the the KFC Digital Tech Team, you’ll be leading the development of the Front end website and Drupal CMS. Your focus will be on creating high quality, structured, reusable and annotated code. You will have experience in development and be proficient using third party open-source packages and relevant code libraries. As part of a team consisting of Developers, Scrum Masters, QA’s, DevOps and Designers, you will be able to communicate with these departments, contribute to ideas, and innovate where required.

Qualification & Experience:

  • Experience integrating with web services and APIs, including REST endpoints.
  • Experience working in an Agile environment including Scrum & Kanban
  • Experience building responsive websites and applications.
  • Be proficient using third party open source packages and relevant code libraries like Google SDK
  • AWS Serverless
  • Drupal 8, ideally with headless experience and in developing these applications
  • Experience using code version control systems (GIT).
  • React, React Native and broader front-end skills (HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript / Ajax)
  • Jest testing framework

Job Details:

Company:  KFC

Vacancy Type:  Full Time

Job Location: Manchester, England, UK

Application Deadline: N/A

Apply Here